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龚剑,男,1979年生,四川成都人,理学博士,副研究员、高级实验师,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所(有机地球化学国家重点实验室),环境科学专业。2013-2014年,美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)化学与环境工程系,开展博士后研究。




1. Gong Jian*, Lin Canyuan, Xiong Xiaoping, Chen Diyun, Chen Yongheng, Zhou Yongshun, Wu Cuiqin, Du Yongming. Occurrence, distribution, and potential risks of environmental corticosteroids in surface waters from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 251, 102-109.

2. Gong Jian*, Ran Yong, Zhang Dainan, Chen Diyun, Li Haiyan, Huang Youda. Vertical profiles and distributions of aqueous endocrine-disrupting chemicals in different matrices from the Pearl River Delta and the influence of environmental factors. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 246, 328-335.

3. Gong Jian, Duan Dan-dan, Yang Yu, Ran Yong, Chen Di-Yun. Seasonal variation and partitioning of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waters and sediments of the Pearl River system, South China, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 219, 735-741.

4. Gong Jian, Huang You-da, Huang Wen, Ran Yong, Chen Di-yun. Multi-phase partitioning and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River, China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016, 35 (10), 2474–2482.

5. Gong Jian, Ran Yong, Chen Di-Yun, Yang Yu, Zeng Eddy. Association of endocrine-disrupting chemicals with total organic carbon in riverine water and suspended particulate matter from the Pearl River, China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31 (11), 2456-2464.

6. Gong Jian, Ran Yong, Chen Di-Yun, Yang Yu. Sequential ASE extraction of alkylphenols from sediments: occurrence and environmental implications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192 (2), 643-650.

7. Gong Jian, Ran Yong, Chen Di-Yun, Yang Yu. Occurrence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in riverine sediments from the Pearl River Delta, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2011, 63 (5-12),  556-563.

8. Gong Jian, Ran Yong, Chen Di-yun, Yang Yu, Ma Xiao-xuan. Occurrence and environmental risk of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in surface water of the Pearl River, South China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 41(1-4), 199-210.

9. Ma Xiaoxuan, Ran Yong, Gong Jian, Chen Di-Yun. Sequential Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Different Solvents: Performance and Implication, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2010, 39 (6): 2072-2079.

10. Ma Xiaoxuan, Ran Yong, Gong Jian, Zou Mengyao. Concentrations and inventories of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in watershed soils in the Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2008, 145 (1-3), 453-464.

11. Zou Mengyao, Ran Yong, Gong Jian, Mai Bixian, Zeng Eddy. Polybrominated Dipenyl Ethers in Watershed Soils of the Pearl River Delta, China: Occurrence, Inventory and Fate. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41(24), 8262-8267.

12. 龚剑*,林粲源, 熊小萍, 陈迪云, 陈永亨, 吴翠琴。超高效液相色谱-电喷雾串联质谱法同时测定地表水中28种皮质激素。色谱,2018,36(11),1158-1166.

13. 龚剑*,冉勇,黄文,杨娟,陈迪云,杨余。内分泌干扰物在珠三角河水多相中的分配及风险。生态毒理学报,2016,11 (2),518-523。

14. 龚剑*,黄文,杨娟,冉勇,陈迪云,杨余,吴翠琴,占永革。珠江河流胶体中的典型内分泌干扰物。中国环境科学,2015,35 (2),617-623。

15. 龚剑,冉勇,陈迪云,杨余。珠江三角洲两条主要河流沉积物中的典型内分泌干扰物污染状况,生态环境学报,2011, 20(6-7),1111-1116.

16. 龚剑,冉勇,杨余,陈迪云,马骁轩。 珠江广州河段雌激素化合物的污染状况。环境化学,2008,27(2),242-244.

17. 邹梦遥,龚剑,冉勇。珠江三角洲流域土壤多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的分布及环境行为,生态环境学报,2009, 18(1), 122-127.

18. 龚剑*,雷俊,占永革,宋刚,吴翠琴,张诠。分光光度法测定污水中挥发酚的不确定度评定,实验室研究与探索,2015, 34(6),12-19。

19. 龚剑*,占永革。原子荧光法测定地表水中砷的测量不确定度评定,实验室研究与探索,2011, 30 (4), 19-21.

20. 龚剑*,占永革。标准溶液稀释不确定度评定。实验技术与管理,2011, 28(5), 52-53.

21. 占永革,龚剑,胡广民,马道明,李志梅,王伟彤。城市污泥中酚的测量不确定度及其符合性评定。环境工程,2012,30(S2),335-339。

22. 占永革,龚剑,马道明,胡广民,杜耀伟,王伟彤。石墨炉原子吸收法测定饮用水及水源水中铊的不确定度评定。给水排水,2012, 38(S1), 24-29。


E-mail: gongjiangz@163.com

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